Bounty Hunter
Red arrows in my maps indicate direct attack.
Dashed arrows are intercepted attacks.
Several of my guides include blocks, which are shown in orange arrows.
A total of four attacks are needed in this adventure.
Regardless of which version you follow, keep all units assigned to your general:
Camp 1) 10 Scavengers
Version 1: [56R (3R - 4R - 5R)]
Version 2: [37R 12C (2R - 3R - 4R)]
Version 3: [17R 25C (1R - 2R - 3R)]
Version 4: [6R 40C (0R - 1R - 1R)]
Version 5: [3R 50C (-)]
Version 6: [1R 75C (-)]
Next, attack camp 3 and let the general be intercepted by camp 2.
The dashed red line in the image above shows an indirect attack.
Such a camp can usually be attacked separately as well, but a controlled interception saves a little marching time.
Camp 3) 5 Scavengers (Camp 2) + 10 Scavengers (Camp 3)
Version 1: [51R (4R - 6R - 7R)]
Version 2: [33R 12C (2R - 4R - 5R)]
Version 3: [14R 25C (1R - 2R - 3R)]
Version 4: [5R 40C (0R - 1R - 1R)]
Version 5: [3R 50C (-)]
Version 6: [1R 75C (-)]
Camp 4) 6 Scavengers, 6 Stone Throwers
Version 1: [44R (5R - 7R - 9R)]
Version 2: [28R 12C (1R - 2R - 3R)]
Version 3: [11R 25C (1R - 2R - 2R)]
Version 4: [4R 40C (-)]
Version 5: [3R 50C (-)]
Version 6: [1R 75C (-)]
Camp 5) 15 Scavengers
Version 1: [35R (5R - 7R - 7R)]
Version 2: [25R 12C (4R - 6R - 6R)]
Version 3: [9R 25C (3R - 4R - 6R)]
Version 4: [4R 40C (2R - 3R - 4R)]
Version 5: [3R 50C (1R - 2R - 3R)]
Version 6: [1R 75C (-)]
When the adventure ends, your general will return to your home island.
A normal general will once again need 30 minutes to travel, and a fast general 15 minutes.
If you've left units unassigned to your general(s), these will need 100 minutes to find their way home.
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