Heroic Little Tailor
3 Player/12 Days/91090XP
Double veteran setups, round blocks, cannons
Troops needed: 1687R, 2608B, 177LB, 230M, 480C, 262XB, 208S, 354ES, 151K
Maximum loss: 1686R, 2608B, 177LB, 230M, 231C, 208S
Minimum 2 veterans, preferably 3.
Keep in mind this: between recruits and bowmen I`d personally rather lose recruits (my economy is built that way I can replace recruits easy), so during this adventure I use recruits whenever I can and save up on bowmen if losses difference isn`t too big.
Please place the suicidal wave 1 generals BEHIND the positions I recommend (so they don`t get in the way of the blocking generals).
REGULAR general
VETERAN general
MAJOR general
Sector 1:
1, 2, 1bis = regular generals
3, 3bis = veteran generals
First of all kill c0 (use general 3 or 3bis ofc)
c0: 100 boar, 50 wolf
VETERAN general 95R, 90B, 65K (95R, 90B)
MAJOR general 90R, 58B, 122K (90R, 58B)
Block section starts here : block c1 with 1R, block c2, block c1 (again) and hit with 2 waves on c3. Keep the following order and general position from the positioning picture. The 1R fight may end too soon so keep alert and retreat all generals if that happens.
c1: 40 boar, 100 fox
REGULAR general block: 1R (1R)
c2: 50 boar, 50 wolf, 50 fox
REGULAR general block: 1R, 137ES, 20C {5-9 rounds}
c 1bis: 40 boar, 100 fox
REGULAR general block: 104ES, 94B {4-10 rounds, most victory in 5 or 6}
c3: 120 bear, 50 fox
VETERAN general w1: 250B (250B) {2 rounds}
VETERAN general w2: 117R, 20M, 113K (117R, 20M) {2 rounds} or
MAJOR general w2: 117R, 6M, 147K (117R, 6M) or
MAJOR general w2: 121B, 149K (121B)
Sector 2:
1, 2 = regular generals
3 = fast general mandatory
3bis = veteran
c1: 100 boar, 30 bear
REGULAR general block 1M, 129ES, 67C {8-14 rounds}
c2: 75 wolf, 75 wolfpack leaders
REGULAR general block 1M, 111ES, 85C, 1K
c3: 50 boar, 100 wolfpack leaders, 1 black bull
FAST general w1: 200B (200B)
VETERAN general w2: 100R, 150K (100R)
VETERAN general w1: 250B (250B)
MAJOR general w2: 37R, 1ES, 56C, 176K (37R)
Sector 3:
1, 2, 1bis = regular generals
3, 3bis = veteran generals
c0: 100 bear, 50 wolf, 30 fox
VETERAN general w1:250B (250B)
VETERAN general w2: 119R, 1ES, 130K (119R)
c00: 200 boar
ANY general w1: 200B (200B) --- can be [40R, 160B (40R, 160B)]
VETERAN general w2: 128R, 1ES, 121K (128R)
ANY generalw1: 161B (161B)
MAJOR general w2: 133R, 5S, 1ES, 131K (133R, 5S)
c000 100 bear, 80 wolf
ANY generalw1: 200B (200B)
VETERAN general w2: 129B, 121K (129B)
ANY general w1:200B (200B)
MAJOR general w2: 128R, 1ES, 141K
Block section starts here. After sending first hit (on c2) all hits are sent on the leader. All 5 hits one after the other, this is a single continuous attack, don`t stop waiting for results at a 'first block'. Watch the generals closely, at one point mid distance, the c3bis general should follow very closely the c3 one, under a flag distance between them, practically stepping on eachothers foot, but first c3 then c3bis. If the order is mixed up or there is a bigger distance between them, retreat all generals and repeat.
Position for general 3 should be one flag more in front (closer to the general 2 position), or you can switch generals 3 and 3bis troops to make them line up in proper order.
Veteran setup:
c2: 80 bear, 80 giant
REGULAR general block: 160 ES, 37XB
c1: 70 bear, 80 wolfpack leaders, 40 fox
REGULAR general block 1: 1R (1R) --- send attack to leader camp, let it be intercepted
c3: 40 boar, 60 fox, 80 giant
VETERAN general w1: 250R (250R)
c 1bis: 70 bear, 80 wolfpack leaders, 40 fox
REGULAR general block 1bis: 1R (1R) send attack to leader camp, let it be intercepted (only purpose of this 2nd hit on c1 is to allow enough retreat time in case something goes wrong)
Wait for c 1bis general to exit his garrison, then send next hit
c3bis: 40 boar, 60 fox, 80 giant
VETERAN general w2: 25B, 225XB (25B)
The second 1R block is more a safety block than a needed one, it can be skipped entirely.
Major setup:
c2: 80 bear, 80 giant
REGULAR general block: 160 ES, 37XB
c1: 70 bear, 80 wolfpack leaders, 40 fox
REGULAR general block 1: 1R (1R) --- send attack to leader camp, let it be intercepted
c3: 40 boar, 60 fox, 80 giant
MAJOR general 20S, 132B, 18LB, 99XB, 1k
Sector 4:
1, 2 = regular generals
3, 3bis = veteran generals
c0: 100 bear, 90 fox
VETERAN general w1: 250B (250B)
VETERAN general w2: 140M, 110K (140M)
MAJOR general w2: 128M, 142K (128M)
c00: 50 boar, 70 wolf
VETERAN general 103R, 1ES, 74C, 72K (103R)
MAJOR general 93R, 1ES, 127C, 49K (93R)
c2 60 boar, 140 wolf packleader
ANY general w1: 195B, 5LB (195B, 5LB)
Block section starts here
c1: 70 bear, 100 fox
REGULAR general block: 197ES {5-11 rounds, mostly 6}
c2: 123-133 wolf packleaders
Depending on what is left in camp c2 , pick the corresponding block formation from the following options:
REGULAR general block:
133 wolf packleaders: 166ES, 34C {4-8 rounds, avg 5.75}
132 wolf packleaders: 163ES, 37C
131 wolf packleaders: 160ES, 39C
130 wolf packleaders: 157ES, 43C
129 wolf packleaders: 153ES, 47C
128 wolf packleaders: 150ES, 50C
127 wolf packleaders: 148ES, 52C
126 wolf packleaders: 145ES, 55C
125 wolf packleaders: 142ES, 58C
124 wolf packleaders: 139ES, 61C
123 wolf packleaders: 134ES, 65C
c3: 100 bear, 50 fox, 50 giant
VETERAN general w1: 78B, 172LB (78B, 172LB)
VETERAN general w2: 135B, 114XB, 1K (135B)
VETERAN general w1: 195B, 55LB (195B, 55LB)
MAJOR general w2: 148B, 121XB, 1K (148B)
Sector 5:
1 = regular generals
2, 2bis = veteran generals
For suicidal waves on c00 and c000 use regular or fast generals placed behind the positions for generals 1, 2 and 2bis.
c0: 60 cultist, 50 shadowsneaker, 80 fanatic
VETERAN general 112R, 1ES, 137K (112R)
c00: 120 bear, 50 wolf
ANY general w1: 200B (200B)
VETERAN general w2: 20R, 98B, 132K (20R, 98B)
MAJOR generalw2: 116R, 1ES, 153K (116R)[/COLOR][/B]
c000: 40 cultist, 160 dancing dervish
REGULAR general w1: 46B (46B)
VETERAN general w2: 40C, 210XB (no loss)
MAJOR general single wave: 18R, 1ES, 10C, 241XB (18R)
Block section starts here.
c1: 60 cultist, 90 shadowsneaker, 1 Witch
REGULAR general block 85ES, 32C
c2: 1 Spawn of Hell, 70 cultist, 80 firedancer
VETERAN general w1: 19S, 231C (19S, 231C)
VETERAN general w2: 70M, 42S, 1ES, 137K (70M, 42S)
MAJOR general w2: 55R, 18M, 40S, 1ES, 156K (60R, 13M, 38S)
Sector 6:
1 = veteran general
c0: 100 shadowsneaker, 70 firedancer
VETERAN general 80R, 150ES/K (80R)
c00: 100 cultist, 100 dancing dervish
MAJOR general 28R, 13S, 1ES, 208XB (28R, 13S)
MAJOR general 49R, 1ES, 220XB (49R)
c000: 40 shadowsneaker, 80 fanatic, 80 firedancer
VETERAN general 161R, 89ES/K (161R)
c1: 80 cultist, 80 firedancer, 1 Dark High Priest
VETERAN general 152R, 7S, 1ES, 90XB (152R, 7S)
MAJOR general 164R, 1ES, 18C, 87XB (164R)
Sector 7:
1 = veteran general
Behind him place 2 regulars or fast generals for first waves on c3 and c5.
c1: 80 cultist, 40 shadowsneaker, 80 dark priest
VETERAN general 153R, 1ES, 96K (153R)
MAJOR general 123R, 1ES, 146K (123R
c2: 100 cultist, 100 firedancer
VETERAN general 50R, 100B, 100K (50R, 100B)
MAJOR general 110R, 40B, 120K (110R, 40B)
c3: 150 dark priest
ANY general w1: 49B (49B)
VETERAN general w2: 1ES, 249C (no loss)
REGULAR general w1: 44B (44B)
MAJOR general w2: 1ES, 269C (no loss)
c4: 90 shadowsneaker, 80 dancing dervish
send attack to c5 (leader), let c4 intercept and retreat after victory
VETERAN general 33B, 200XB (33B)
Time to call in lootspotters. Have them hit with 1R on camp c0.
c5: 60 cultist, 60 fanatic, 1 Witch, 1 Dark Magician
ANY general w1: 15R, 80B (15R, 80B)
VETERAN general w2: 127S, 1ES, 122K (127S, 1ES)
MAJOR general w2: 113S, 1ES, 36C, 120K (113S)
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