
Watch the video With some Good background music

Tuesday, 1 January 2013


Use with caution, problems have been reported with blocks on this and other adventures



 with Round Blocks
Maximum Losses (veteran and crossbows): 2120R, 200B, 104M, 10S, 31C
Troops required: 2120R, 200B, 104M, 150XB, 75S, 223ES, 488C

Difficulty: 5/10
Number of Players: 3
Duration: 4 days
Where to get?: Trader (Shop) for 200 map fragments

All following blocks are done with REGULAR generals, only first wave attacks on camps are done with fast generals.
Blue line represents block path, red line the attack path.

Sector 2:

Send the second blocking general with a 3-5 seconds delay after the first.

50 BD, 100 MD

optional kill: 68R, 1ES, 124C, 57 XB
block: 20ES, 165C --- 6-10 rounds, avg 7.78

120 BD, 60 MD

optional kill: 49R, 1M, 200C
block: 175C --- 6-11 rounds, avg 7.59

40 BD, 80 MD, 50 CD

110R, 140K (106R)
124R, 126 ES (124R)

Sector 3:

Send the second blocking general with a 3-5 seconds delay after the first, the veteran attack with a 5 seconds delay after second blocking general.

30 BD, 120 MD
optional kill: 91R, 1ES, 78C, 80 XB
block: 45ES, 120C --- 5-12 rounds, avg 8

90 BD, 90 MD
optional kill: 75R, 1ES, 130C, 44 XB
block: 26S, 150C --- 6-11 rounds, avg 7.81

C11: wait 5 seconds
40 BD, 100 MD, 30CD

117R, 1ES, 132K (116R)
147R, 103ES (147R)

Sector 4:

Attack C5 from sector 2:
70 BD, 50 MD, 80 CD
135R, 115 ES (135R)

Next triple block has the chances of being nasty. I do NOT recommend the block if you don`t have cannoneers, and if you do, keep eyes open and send the generals in the proper order, they are numbered on the picture for a good reason.

80 BD, 60 MD, 60 CD
optional kill 150R, 100 ES (150R)
block: 9ES, 190C --- 5-10 rounds, avg 7

80 MD, 20 CD, 80 LbD
optional kill 67R, 30ES, 115C, 38 XB (67R)
block: 40ES, 101C --- 5-11 rounds, avg 7

50 MD, 70 CD, 50 LbD
optional kill 91R, 159 ES (91R)
block: 197C --- 5-10 rounds, avg 7.69

50 CD, 70 LbD, 50 SD

110R, 1ES, 139K (108R) --- 1 round
137R, 113 ES (137R) --- 2 rounds (not recommended)

Sector 1:

Allow 5 seconds delay between generals.

100 BD, 100 MD
optional kill: 95R, 1ES, 120C, 34 XB
block: 68ES, 60C --- 5-11 rounds, avg 7.56

60 BD, 90 MD, 30 CD

124R, 1ES, 125K (124R, 1ES)
70R, 1 ES, 120C, 59 XB (70R, 30C)

Sector 5:

75 LbD, 75 SD
kill 60R, 1ES, 139C, 50 XB (60R)
block: 12 ES, 187C --- 7-13 rounds, avg. 8.99 {180-260sec, avg.200sec}

If you use cannons version, move the veteran in the BHG spot on the picture. This block is risky and you can at times lose the troops on the first blocking general.

50 CD, 100 SD
kill 81R, 1ES, 43B, 125 XB
block: 55 ES, 140C --- 7-13 rounds, avg 9.3 {180-260sec, avg.220sec}

40 CD, 70 LbD, 70 SD
optional kill :
w1: 50R
w2: 70R, 1ES, 100C, 29 XB

block: 51 ES, 100C --- 6 -12 rounds, avg 8.55 {160-240sec avg.220sec}

50CD, 50 LbD, 100 SD

165R, 85K (163R) -- 2 rounds {40sec}
w1: 60R (60R) --- use fast general / 1 round {10sec}
w2: 84R, 1 ES, 80C, 85 XB (84R)/ 2 rounds {40sec}

Sector 6:

Send general in the middle camp to attack C22, wait untill he enters it and then send in order attacks on C20, C23 and C21. If you use the cannons version, place veteran general on the position where the BHG is on the picture.
100 CD, 100 SD
block: 115 ES --- 7-14 rounds, avg. 10 {180-280sec, avg 240sec} or 128 S, for 1 round {20sec}shorter
optional kill: 157R, 93ES (157R)

50CD, 70 LbD, 80 SD
block: 40 ES, 155C --- 7-13 rounds, avg. 9.36 {180-260sec, avg 220sec}
optional kill:
w1:60R (60R)
w2: 60R, 2M, 38ES, 100C, 50XB (60R, 2M, 1ES)

80 LbD, 120 SD
optional kill: 155R, 1ES, 52C, 42XB (155R)
block: 1S, 67ES, 132C

200 SD

122M, 128K (122M) --- 2 rounds
w1: 200R or 200B--- use fast general
w2: 109R, 1ES, 140 XB (109R)

Sector 7:

Next block can be done from 2 positions for the veteran general marked on next picture with A and B. Notice B is the position occupied possibly by the fast general recovering from last block.
Anyway order of sending attacks is A-1-2-3 in fast succession if veteran can`t be positioned on B spot or 1-2-3-B if the fast general has recovered and can be moved away.

70 LbD, 130 SD
block: 80ES, 119C --- 7-14 rounds, 8.97avg {180-280sec, avg 220sec}
optional kill: 120R, 20S, 70C, 40XB (120R, 20S, 1C)

50 CD, 50 LbD, 100 SD
block: 75 S, 120C --- 7-13 rounds, avg.9.08 {180-260sec, avg.220sec}
optional kill:
w1: 60R (60R)
w2: 85R, 1ES, 80C, 84XB (84R)

50 CD, 150 SD
block: 127ES, 62C --- 8-14 rounds, avg 9.87 {200-280sec, avg.240sec}
optional kill:
w1: 60R (60R)
w2: 137R, 2ES, 111XB (137R)

100 SD, 100 XBD

79R, 24M, 1ES, 120C, 26K (79R, 24M)
57M, 1ES, 129C, 63XB --- 2 rounds, veteran 40sec

Sector 8:

50 CD, 80 SD, 60 XBD
w1: 60R (60R)
w2: 61R, 1ES, 135C, 53K (61R)
w2: 65R, 1ES, 134C, 50XB (65R)

90 SD, 90 XBD
70R, 10S, 110C, 60XB (70R, 8S)

40 CD, 80 SD, 80XBD
optional kill:
w1: 48R
w2: 66R, 1ES, 102C, 81XB

block: 35ES, 164C --- 7-13 rounds, avg 9.4 {180-260sec, avg. 220sec}

40 CD, 100 SD, 60XBD

w1: 48R (48R) --- use fast general
w2: 84R, 1ES, 80C, 85XB (84R)

Sector 9:

120 SD, 80 XBD

100R, 28M, 1ES, 84C, 37K (100R, 28M, 1ES)
55R, 47M, 1ES, 100C, 47XB (55R, 47M)

On camps 33, 34 and 35 you can try trimy`s block, on his map camps are numbered 26-27-28 in which case garrissons should be placed like here:

Remember to delay the veteran attack with 5 seconds.
70CD, 130 SD

w1: 84R (84R)
w2: 100R, 14ES, 136XB (100R)

Untested: trimy block: 80M, 40S, 40ES, 40XB

200 SD
optional kill
w1: 200R or 200B--- use fast general
w2: 109R, 1ES, 140 XB (109R)

block: 168ES, 20C --- 8-15 rounds, avg. 10.34 {200-300sec, avg 240sec}
block: 20M, 40S, 120ES, 20C --- 8-15 rounds, avg. 10.44 {200-300sec, avg 240sec}

100 SD, 100XBD

79R, 24M, 1ES, 120C, 26K (79R, 24M)
99R, 10S, 1ES, 105C, 35XB (99R, 10S) --- 2-3 rounds, avg.2

Sector 10:

Best to call in lootspotters now and send them on the stonetowers. Carefull when you check combat simulation to pick the stone tower too as it gives a 90% bonus (I didn`t and wondered why some of my xbows died). You can send lootspotters though on any camp in this sector with 1-5R.

C36 stone tower
60 ESD, 40 KD
99R, 1ES, 150XB (99R)

C37 stone tower
50 ESD, 50 KD
114R, 1ES, 135XB (114R)

60ESD, 60XBD
49R, 1ES, 120C, 80XB (49R)

skip C38
50ESD, 70XBD
41R, 1ES, 158C, 50XB (41R)

2 Big Bertha, 50 ESD, 50 XBD, 20 KD
w1: 200B (200B)
w2: 48R, 202ES (48R)


Computed for crossbow version, not cannon.

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