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Tuesday 1 January 2013

The Siege

 The Siege

Experience: 6105
Max Platime: 4 days
Players: 2

VETERAN general
a Harded or NORMAL general

• Needed Unites: 307R/271R 185E 243C 129XB (864 Unites)
• Losses Minimal: 218R (182 with blocks)
• Losses Average: 268R (212 with blocks)
• Losses Maximum: 307R (233 with blocks)

Attack starts from the White or blue landingspot (L)

From A to Camp 1 + 2) 40 Scavenger, 30 Stone thrower+ 30 Scavenger, 40 Stone thrower
VETERAN general: [243C (0)]

From A to Camp 3) 85 Scavenger, 65 Stone thrower
VETERAN general: [29R 221C (21R - 25R - 28R)]

Or all three camps at once with MIV general.

From A to Camp 1 + 2 + 3) 40 Scavenger, 30 Stone thrower+ 30 Scavenger, 40 Stone thrower+ 85 Scavenger, 65 Stone thrower
Martial Arts General: [25R 195C (18R - 22R - 25R)]

Move your general to G1

From A to Camp 4 + Kamp 5) 40 Thugs, 40 Rangers + 20 Thugs, 60 Rangers
VETERAN general: [12R 3E 235C (6R - 10R - 12R)]
Martial Arts General: [9R 2E 209C (3R - 7R - 9R)]

From A to Camp 6) 40 Thugs, 40 Rangers, 1 Stinky
VETERAN general: [18R 2E 225C 5XB (7R - 13R - 18R)]
Martial Arts General: [15R 1E 200C 4XB (4R - 10R - 15R)]

Move your general to G2

From A to Camp 7) 20 Roughnecks, 80 Rangers
VETERAN general: [5R 1E 244C (2R - 4R - 5R)]
Martial Arts General: [4R 2E 214C (1R - 3R - 4R)]

At Camp 8 and 9, you can use a block. (saves 36 to 54R)

Without block.

From A to Camp 8) 80 Thugs, 40 Rangers
VETERAN general: [54R 180C 16XB (36R - 44R - 54R)]

From A to Camp 9) 20 Elitesoldiers, 20 Crossbowmen, 20 Kannonier, 1 Stinky
VETERAN general: [18R 1E 32C 129XB (14R - 18R - 18R)]
Martial Arts General: [18R 2E 125XB (14R - 18R - 18R)]

With a block.

Player beneath:

Top player:

From A to Camp 8) 80 Thugs, 40 Rangers
NORMAL general: [43C 46E (0)]

From B to Camp 9) 20 Elitesoldiers, 20 Crossbowmen, 20 Kannonier, 1 Stinky
VETERAN general: [18R 1E 32C 129XB (14R - 18R - 18R)]
Martial Arts General: [18R 2E 125XB (14R - 18R - 18R)]

Move your general to G3

From A to Camp 10) 30 Guard dog, 30 Roughnecks, 40 Rangers, 1 Stinky
VETERAN general: [65R 185E (48R - 57R - 65R)]
Martial Arts General: [40R 100E (24R - 33R - 40R)]

The attack on Camp 10 can also be in two rounds. (not useful if you have a Martial Arts General)

From A to Camp 10) 30 Guard dog, 30 Roughnecks, 40 Rangers, 1 Stinky
Round 1 NORMAL/HARDED general: [36R (36R)]

From A to Camp 10) 29 Roughnecks, 40 Rangers, 1 Stinky
Round 2 VETERAN general: [16R 1E 208C 25XB (7R - 11R - 16R)]

From A to Camp 11) 15 Rangers
VETERAN general: [50C (0)]

From A to Camp 12) 15 Rangers
VETERAN general: [50C (0)]

Latest attack comes in two rounds

From A to Camp 13) 50 Guard dog, 50 Roughnecks, 50 Rangers, 1 One-Eyed Bert
Round 1 NORMAL/HARDED general: [60R (60R)]

From A to Camp 13) 50 Roughnecks, 50 Rangers, 1 Bert Eenoog
Round 2 VETERAN general: [40R 1E 80C 129XB (28R - 35R - 40R)]

With the Martial Arts General General

Latest attack comes in two rounds

From A to Camp 13) 50 Guard dog, 50 Roughnecks, 50 Rangers, 1 One-Eyed Bert
Round 1 Martial Arts General: [10R (10R)]

From A to Camp 13) 50 Roughnecks, 50 Rangers, 1 One-Eyed Bert
Round 2 VETERAN general: [40R 1E 82C 127XB (26R - 33R - 40R)]

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