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Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Sons of the Veld Martial arts

Sons of the Veld

 Martial Arts General and Round Blocks
Average losses (with crossbows): 1328R 20C
Untested not yet 48 myself Average losses (with cannoneers): ?R ?C

Adventure Info:
Player Level: 36+
Difficulty: 6/10
Number of Players: 2
Duration: 8 days
Where to get?: Adventure seek with Explorer or Trader (Shop) for 200 map fragments

You need at least 6 generals:
  • Four NORMAL generals
  • One Martial Arts General
  • One Vetaran General

Units Needed and Lost (if you play it all alone, having four normal generals):
  • Units Needed, Average: 1423R 406S 592C 102XB (2523 units)
  • Units Needed, Maximum: 1631R 406S 592C 102XB (2731 units)
  • Units Needed, Average: 1423R 2S 361E 603C 102XB (2491 units)
  • Units Needed, Maximum: 1631R 2S 361E 603C 102XB (2699 units)
  • Units Lost, Minimum: 1175R 220C
  • Units Lost, Average: 1410R 220C
  • Units Lost, Maximum: 1631R 220C 17S

Units Needed and Lost (if you invite the lootspot buyer to help with the last block):
  • Units Needed, Average: 1423R 296S 502C 102XB (2323 units)
  • Units Needed, Maximum: 1631R 296S 502C 102XB (2531 units)
  • Units Needed, Average: 1423R 2S 264E 506C 102XB (2297 units)
  • Units Needed, Maximum: 1631R 2S 264E 506C 102XB (2505 units)
  • Units Lost, Minimum: 1175R 220C
  • Units Lost, Average: 1410R 220C
  • Units Lost, Maximum: 1631R 220C 17S

Units Needed (if used Martial arts and veteran general and 4 normal generals)

  • Units Needed: 1R 110S 90C (201 units)
  • Units Needed: 1R 97E 97C (195 units)

  • Units Lost, Minimum: 1109R 20C
  • Units Lost, Average: 1328R 20C
  • Units Lost, Maximum: 1531R 20C 3S

    Game flow, garrison settings and losses (minimum - average - maximum):

    Garrison Position G1

    Move your MARTIAL ARTS General and three normal generals up to garrison position G1:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: NORMAL general
    • Position C: NORMAL general
    • Position D: Martial Arts general

    For the first three attacks, only your MARTIAL ARTS General is needed:

    From D to Camp 1) 80 Thugs, 80 Stone Throwers
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [53R 2E 139C 26XB (42R - 46R - 53R)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [54R 1E 145C 20K (41R - 50R - 53R)]

    From D to Camp 3) 100 Scavengers, 80 Rangers
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [36R 1E 166C 17XB (30R - 34R - 36R)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [35R 1E 181C 3K (30R - 32R - 35R)]

    From D to Camp 4) 50 Thugs, 50 Guard Dogs, 80 Stone Throwers, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [121R 99E (82R - 95R - 120R)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [105R 1S 54E 60K (85R - 94R - 103R)]

    Garrison Position G1 (FIRST BLOCK)

    Send both generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 7) 80 Guard Dogs, 80 Rangers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [1R (1R)] {20 seconds of fighting}

    From D to Camp 2) 60 Thugs, 60 Guard Dogs, 1 Skunk, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [84R 136E (61R - 80R - 84R)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [69R 1E 150K (55R - 62R - 69R)]

    Garrison Position G1 (SECOND BLOCK)

    Send all generals right after each other:

    From B to Camp 6) 200 Guard Dogs
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [68S (-)]
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [58E (-)]
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [15S 46E (-)

    From C to Camp 10) 100 Guard Dogs, 80 Rangers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [1R (1R)] {20 seconds of fighting}

    From D to Camp 8) 100 Thugs, 80 Rangers, 2 Skunks
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [89R 1E 63C 67XB (62R - 74R - 89R)] {50 seconds of fighting}
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [53M 1S 107C 59XB (40M - 46M - 53M)] {50 seconds of fighting}
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [80R 1E 95C 44K (66R - 72R - 80R)] {40 seconds of fighting}

    Garrison Position G2

    Move your MARTIAL ARTS General, your battle hardened general and two normal generals (when they have recovered) to garrison position G2:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: NORMAL general
    • Position C: MARTIAL ARTS General
    • Position D: VETARAN General

    For the first two attacks, only your MARTIAL ARTS General is needed:

    From D to Camp 24) 80 Thugs, 80 Rangers
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [54R 1S 140C 25XB (41R - 49R - 53R)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [35M 1S 186C 28XB (27M - 31M - 35M)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [52R 1E 147C 20K (42R - 46R - 52R)]

    From D to Camp 25) 100 Scavengers, 100 Guard Dogs
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [70R 150E (60R - 67R - 69R)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [54M 196S (45M - 49M - 54M)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [68R 1E 151K (62R - 65R - 68R)]

    Garrison Position G2 (BLOCK)

    Send all generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 26) 50 Thugs, 100 Guard Dogs, 60 Rangers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [17S 183C (-)]
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [16E 181C (-)]

    From B to Camp 27) 100 Thugs, 80 Guard Dogs, 40 Rangers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [61S 139C (-)]
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [54E 143C (-)]
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [4S 52E 138C (-)]

    From C to Camp 28) 50 Guard Dogs, 50 Roughnecks, 80 Rangers, 1 Metal Tooth
    MArtial Arts general: [1R (1R)] {10 seconds of fighting}

    From D to Camp 28) 50 Roughnecks, 80 Rangers, 1 Metal Tooth
    VETARAN General: [90R 3S 95C 62XB (61R - 77R - 90R 2S)] {50 seconds of fighting}
    VETARAN General: [49M 1S 134C 66XB (36M - 43M - 49M)] {50 seconds of fighting}
    VETARAN General: [115R 2S 1E 55C 77XB (89R - 104R - 115R 2S)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    VETARAN General: [85R 2S 1E 104C 30XB 28K (60R - 73R - 85R 2S)] {30-40 seconds of fighting}
    I have 2 Martial arts so i used:
    Martial Arts General[78R 1E 74C 40XB 27K (60R - 67R - 78R)] {30-40 seconds of fighting}

    Garrison Position G3 (BLOCK)

    Move your MARTIAL ARTS General and two normal generals to garrison position G3:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: NORMAL general
    • Position C: MARTIAL ARTS General

    Send all generals right after each other.
    Note that general B going to camp 1, will be intercepted by camp 2. This is intended.

    From A to Camp 7) 200 Guard Dogs
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [1R (1R)] {20 seconds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 1) 80 Guard Dogs, 80 Rangers (Camp 2)
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [1R (1R)] {20 seconds of fighting}

    From C to Camp 3) 100 Thugs, 80 Rangers, 2 Skunks
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [82R 1E 72C 65XB (61R - 73R - 81R)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [53M 1S 107C 59XB (40M - 46M - 53M)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [85R 1E 90C 44K (62R - 72R - 81R)]

    Garrison Position G4 (BLOCK)

    Move your MARTIAL ARTS General and two normal generals (when they have recovered) to garrison position G4:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: NORMAL general
    • Position C: MARTIAL ARTS General

    Send all generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 1) 80 Thugs, 80 Stone Throwers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [3S 197C (-)]
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [3E 196C (-)]
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [2S 2E 194C (-)]

    From B to Camp 4) 100 Scavengers, 80 Rangers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [6S 191C (-)]
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [4E 194C (-)]
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [1S 3E 195C (-)

    From C to Camp 5) 50 Thugs, 50 Guard Dogs, 80 Stone Throwers, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [121R 99E (82R - 105R - 120R)] {50 seconds of fighting}
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [78M 172S (66M - 73M - 78M)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [102R 2S 66E 50K (88R - 95R - 102R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    Garrison Position G5

    Move your MARTIAL ARTS General, your battle hardened general and two normal generals to garrison position G5:
    • Position X: NORMAL general
    • Position Y: NORMAL general
    • Position A: BATTLE HARDENED general
    • Position B: MARTIAL ARTS General

    For the first three attacks, only your veteran and battle hardened generals are needed:

    From B to Camp 9) 100 Guard Dogs, 80 Rangers
    ANY general: [85R 115S (65R - 76R - 85R 1S)]
    ANY general: [79M 121S (60M - 70M - 79M)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [90R 130E (66R - 72R - 84R)] 

    From A to Camp 12) 60 Guard Dogs, 60 Roughnecks, 60 Rangers, 1 Metal Tooth
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [10C (10C)]

    2 Hour recovery

    From B to Camp 12) 60 Roughnecks, 60 Rangers, 1 Metal Tooth
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [94R 1E 55C 70XB (72R - 81R - 92R)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [59M 1S 123C 67XB (45M - 52M - 59M)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [84R 1E 40C 93K (67R - 75R - 84R)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [58M 1E 117C 74K (45M - 52M - 58M)]

    Garrison Position G5 (FIRST BLOCK)

    Move your MARTIAL ARTS General from garrison position B to garrison position C:
    • Position X: NORMAL general
    • Position C: MARTIAL ARTS General

    Send both generals right after each other.
    Note that general X going to camp 14, will be intercepted by camp 15. This is intended.

    From X to Camp 14) 55 Guard Dogs, 55 Roughnecks, 55 Rangers (Camp 15)
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [1R (1R)] {20 seconds of fighting}

    From C to Camp 14) 50 Roughnecks, 50 Rangers, 1 Skunk, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [52R 2S 64C 102XB (33R - 42R - 52R)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [52R 2E 94C 102XB (33R - 43R - 52R)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [32M 1S 113C 104XB (22M - 28M - 32M)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [48R 1E 68C 101XB 2K (35R - 41R - 48R)]

    Garrison Position G5 (SECOND BLOCK)

    Move your MARTIAL ARTS General from garrison position C to garrison position D:
    • Position Y: NORMAL general
    • Position D: MARTIAL ARTS General

    Send both generals right after each other.
    Note that general Y going to camp 17, will be intercepted by camp 15. This is intended.

    From Y to Camp 17) 55 Guard Dogs, 55 Roughnecks, 55 Rangers (Camp 15)
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [1R (1R)] {20 seconds of fighting}

    From D to Camp 17) 50 Guard Dogs, 50 Roughnecks, 1 Skunk, 2 One-Eyed Berts
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [112R 108E (75R - 93R - 110R)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [73M 177S (47M - 63M - 73M)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [88R 1E 132K (60R - 76R - 90R)]

    Garrison Position G6 (BLOCK)

    Move your MARTIAL ARTS General, your battle hardened general and one normal general to garrison position G6:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: BATTLE HARDENED general
    • Position C: MARTIAL ARTS General

    Send all generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 9) 100 Thugs, 80 Guard Dogs
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [103S (-)]
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [92E (-)]

    From B to Camp 11) 60 Guard Dogs, 60 Roughnecks, 60 Rangers, 1 Metal Tooth
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [10C (10C)] {10 seconds of fighting}

    From C to Camp 11) 60 Roughnecks, 60 Rangers, 1 Metal Tooth
    VETARAN General: [109R 2S 73C 66XB (76R - 91R - 109R 1S)] {50 seconds of fighting}
    VETARAN General: [109R 1E 73C 67XB (76R - 91R - 109R)] {50 seconds of fighting}
    VETARAN General: [59M 1S 123C 67XB (45M - 52M - 59M)] {50 seconds of fighting}
    VETARAN General: [102R 2E 82C 64K (75R - 88R - 102R)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    VETARAN General: [58M 1E 117C 74K (45M - 52M - 58M)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    2nd Martial arts will fight as followed:
    MARTIAL ARTS General[94R 1E 42C 83K (71R - 81R - 91R)] {40 seconds of fighting}

    Garrison Position G7

    Move your MARTIAL ARTS General and one normal general to garrison position G7:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: MARTIAL ARTS General

    For the first attack, only your MARTIAL ARTS General is needed:

    From B to Camp 16) 50 Guard Dogs, 50 Roughnecks, 1 Skunk, 2 One-Eyed Berts
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [112R 108E (75R - 93R - 110R)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [73M 177S (47M - 63M - 73M)]
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [60R 1E 159K (40R - 47R - 57R)]

    Garrison Position G7 (BLOCK)

    Send both generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 15) 55 Guard Dogs, 55 Roughnecks, 55 Rangers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [12S 188C (-)]
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [10E 190C (-)]

    From B to Camp 14) 50 Roughnecks, 50 Rangers, 1 Skunk, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [52R 2E 64C 102XB (33R - 42R - 52R)] {40 seconds of fighting
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [32M 1S 83C 104XB (22M - 28M - 32M)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    MARTIAL ARTS General[48R 1E 68C 101XB 2K (35R - 41R - 48R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    Garrison Position G8 (LOOTSPOT)

    Now is the time to invite your friend (lootspot buyer).
    If you've got 4 normal generals yourself, ask your friend to bring 1R and attack camp 18 from garrison position G8.
    That one recruit (actually the general) will kill one roughneck, enough to get 6 XP and the full loot.

    If you've got only 3 normal generals, then ask your friend to bring two generals.
    The other general must be a normal one, must be loaded with the troops needed for block A below, and be placed at garrison position G9 above. Note that your friend must still bring the 1R and make that kill on camp 18. The block at G9 will not kill anything.

    Garrison Position G9 (BLOCK)

    Move your MARTIAL ARTS General, your battle hardened general and four normal generals to garrison position G9:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: NORMAL general
    • Position C: NORMAL general
    • Position D: NORMAL general
    • Position E: MARTIAL ARTS General
    • Position F: VETARAN General

    The general in garrison position A can be your invited friend's.
    In that case, ask him/her to send his/her normal general to camp 19 first.
    As soon as he/she tells you the general is marching, keep sending all other generals after each other.

    The timing isn't that critical on this first general.
    As long as you send your general B within 10 seconds after general A, you should be safe.
    If all generals are yours, then just send them right after each other:

    When this guide was made, lag wasn't that much of an issue. This means the generals never marched out at the same time. Today, this is more often the case, and if that happens, this block will fail. Thus, either watch your generals closely and retreat them all if two of them march out at the same time, or rather delay the dispatch of generals C, D and E by 5 seconds. For these three generals, you may also wait till the previous one has appeared outside his garrison, before sending out the next one.

    From A to Camp 19) 150 Roughnecks
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [37S 99E (-)]
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [110S 90C (-)]
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [97E 97C (-)]

    Send B when A is Marching

    From B to Camp 20) 150 Roughnecks
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [37S 99E (-)]
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [110S 90C (-)]
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [97E 97C (-)]

    Send C when B is Marching

    From C to Camp 22) 100 Roughnecks, 100 Rangers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [55S 142C (-)]
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [18S 31E 149C (-)]
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [50E 139C (-)]

    Send D when C is Marching

    From D to Camp 21) 100 Guard Dogs, 100 Roughnecks
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [128S (-)]
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [116E (-)]

    Send E when D is Marching

    From E to Camp 23) 50 Guard Dogs, 70 Roughnecks, 60 Rangers, 1 Chuck
    MARTIAL ARTS General: [1R (1R)] {10 seconds of fighting}

    Send right afther E is send

    From F to Camp 23) 70 Roughnecks, 60 Rangers, 1 Chuck
    VETARAN General: [119R 1S 1E 50C 79XB (89R - 106R - 119R 1S)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    VETARAN General: [58M 1S 72C 119XB (42M - 49M - 58M)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    VETARAN General: [119R 1S 1E 50C 78XB 1K (89R - 106R - 119R 1S)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    2nd Martial arts will fight as followed:
    MARTIAL ARTS General[95R 2E 20C 88XB 15K (71R - 80R - 88R)] {30 seconds of fighting}


    1. My Martial Arts general only have 220 units!!!

    2. were is the error?
