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Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Roaring Bull

Roaring Bull

Average losses (Veteran with crossbows and elite) Full Version 1219R 724B 15M 50S
Average losses (Veteran with crossbows and elite) Short Version 834R 217B

Adventure Info:
Player Level: 42+
Difficulty: 9/10
Number of Players: 3
Duration: 5 days
Where to get?: Trader (Shop) for 300 map fragments
Max XP: 41K XP [actual max 38k long, 17k short approx]

This guide is based on the Genesis guide guide but the blocks on that seem to be a bit unreliable.

The goal of this adventure is to destroy all Witch Towers (camps 6, 8 and 21). This can be achieved by attacking from positions G1, G2 and G7 for the short version. The long version gives more experience but also incurs a lot more losses.

This guide has not been checked for typos, please make sure you use a simulator to check the camp setups. The short and long xp amounts are only approximate
Once I have got a few people to test the guide I will remove the spoiler.

Short Version approximately 17000 xp

One VETERAN general with Crossbows and Elite - prefer to lose recruits
At least two, four if possible NORMAL general, using round blocks and 1R blocks
Optional general ANY general
  • Units needed: 883R 220B 1S 107E 50C 194XB
  • Units lost, average: 834R 217B
  • Units lost, maximum: 862R 220B 1S

One VETERAN general with Crossbows and Elite - prefer to lose bowmen
At least two, four if possible NORMAL general, using round blocks and 1R blocks
Optional general ANY general
  • Units needed: 504R 579B 1S 107E 249C 99XB
  • Units lost, average: 465R 576B
  • Units lost, maximum: 485R 579B 1S

One VETERAN general with Crossbows and Elite and Cannon
At least two, four if possible NORMAL general, using round blocks and 1R blocks
Optional general ANY general
  • Units needed: 646R 467B 1S 107E 56C 194XB 85K
  • Units lost, average: 609R 464B
  • Units lost, maximum: 637R 467B 1S

Long Version approximately 38000 xp
This version gets nearly full XP. There is one leader in the south that is not worth killing.

One VETERAN general with Crossbows and Elite - prefer to lose recruits
At least two, four if possible NORMAL general, using round blocks and 1r blocks
Optional general ANY general
  • Units needed: 1655R 376B 25M 145S 205E 152C 194XB
  • Units lost, average: 1568R 364B 15M 50S
  • Units lost, maximum: 1629R 376B 20M 52S 2E

One VETERAN general with Crossbows and Elite - prefer to lose bowmen
At least two, four if possible NORMAL general, using round blocks and 1R blocks
Optional general ANY general
  • Units needed: 1296R 736B 25M 145S 205E 152C 90XB
  • Units lost, average: 1219R 724B 15M 50S
  • Units lost, maximum: 1272R 736B 20M 52S 2E

Garrison Position G1 (Camps 1-6)

As the walks are quite long on the first few camps you can place your VETERAN general at Position A for camps 1-4 and then move to Position C.
Position A: VETERAN general optional position for camps 1-4.
Position B: NORMAL general for Block
Position C: VETERAN general
Position D: ANY general this general will lose the battle and is optional

From A or C to Camp 1) 120 Bowmen, 80 Composite
VETERAN general: 47R 107E 96XB (45R - 45R - 47R)

From A or C to Camp 2) 90 Nomad, 60 Lance rider, 50 Cataphract
VETERAN general: 162R 3E 85K (150R - 150R - 161R)
VETERAN general: 174R 76E (153R - 153R - 165R)

From A or C to Camp 3) 100 Cultist, 100 Firedancer
VETERAN general: 50R 101B 99XB (50R 99B - 50R 99B - 50R 101B)

There are a couple of options for camp 4. It can be taken with one wave or with less total losses in 2 waves.

From A or C to Camp 4) 40 Cultist, 60 Dark Priest, 100 Firedancer
VETERAN general: 20R 160B 70XB (20R 158B - 20R 160B - 20R 160B)
VETERAN general: 200R 50C (185R - 185R - 197R)

-- OR --

Camp 4a) 40 Cultist, 60 Dark Priest, 100 Firedancer
From D ANY general: 159B (159B 1G)
Camp 4b) 66-46 Firedancer
From A or C VETERAN general: 1E 249C (0 - 0 - 0)

If your VETERAN general was at Position A move to Position C.

For this 1R block the timing is critical. I have shown 2 points where you can check the spacing of your generals. If they are very different due to lag then retreat and try again. After sending the 1R do a slow count to 3 before sending the second general. The generals can be a little bit further apart than I have shown but not by much. They should walk through the gates near the tower pretty simultaneously or the block will fail.

From B to Camp 5) 70 Cultist, 50 Shadowsneaker, 80 Firedancer

Count to 3 seconds and then attack with the second general.

From C to Camp 6) 80 Cultist, 120 Firedancer
VETERAN general: 41R 119B 90XB (41R 115B - 41R 118B - 41R 119B)

Once Camp 6 has been destroyed you can move the generals to position G2.
If you are doing the full version move an extra NORMAL general somewhere close to G2 to save time when setting up for G3.
If you are doing the short version setup any spare generals in G7.

Garrison Position G2 (Camps 7-8, BLOCK)

Position A: NORMAL general for Block
Position B: VETERAN general

From A to Camp 7) 110 Nomad, 40 Riding Amazonian, 50 Cataphract

Count to 5 seconds and then attack with the second general.

From C to Camp 8) 70 Nomad, 100 Lance Rider, 30 Cataphract, 1 Uproarious Bull
VETERAN general: 144R 1S 105E (124R - 136R - 141R 1S)

If you want to do the fast version then skip the next few positions and go straight to G7.

Garrison Position G3 (Camps 9-11, BLOCK)

Position general B first as position A is not available until at least one general is in this zone.

Position A: NORMAL general for Block
Position B: VETERAN general (position this general first)

For the first attack only your VETERAN general is needed:

From D to Camp 9) 120 Noman, 80 Lance Rider
VETERAN general: 85R 15E 150K (71R - 80R - 85R)
VETERAN general: 89R 161E (73R - 81R - 89R)

Send all general A then wait a few seconds before sending B.

From A to Camp 10) 50 Nomad, 50 Lance Rider, 80 Riding Bowman
BLOCKING NORMAL general: 45S 75E (120){minimum 210 seconds to end of battle, rounds 4 - 4 - 6}

Count to 5 seconds and then attack with the second general.

From C to Camp 11) 80 Lance Rider, 40 Riding Bowman, 60 Riding Amazonian
VETERAN general: 20R 100S 130E (20R 48S - 20R 50S - 20R 51S) {maximum 175 seconds to end of battle, 1 round}

Garrison Position G4 (Camps 12-14, BLOCK)

Position A: NORMAL general for Block
Position B: VETERAN general

For the first attack only your VETERAN general is needed:

From B to Camp 12) 60 Nomad, 50 Lance Rider, 80 Riding Amazonian
VETERAN general: 188R 62E (174R - 180R - 188R)

Send all generals straight after each other. Send the blocking general to Camp 14 and he will be intercepted and get diverted to block Camp 13.

From A to Camp 14) 100 Nomad, 90 Riding Amazonian
BLOCKING NORMAL general: 15S 20E 152C (187) {minimum 200 seconds to end of battle, rounds 5 - 5.6 - 8}

From B to Camp 14) 60 Nomad, 70 Riding Amazonian, 40 Cataphract
VETERAN general: 22R 156B 72E (19R 141B - 22R 147B - 22R 156B) {maximum 180 seconds to end of battle, 2 rounds}

Garrison Position G5 (Camps 15-17, BLOCK

Position A: NORMAL general for Block
Position B: VETERAN general

For the first attack only your VETERAN general is needed:

From B to Camp 15) 80 Nomad, 100 Riding Bowman
VETERAN general: 155R 25M 70E (155R 5M - 155R 15M - 155R 20M)

Send all generals straight after each other.

From A to Camp 16) 80 Lance rider, 80 Riding Bowman
BLOCKING NORMAL general: 63S 45E (108) {minimum 185 seconds to end of battle, rounds 5 - 6 - 8}

From B to Camp 17) 50 Nomad, 50 Lance Rider, 60 Riding Amazonian
VETERAN general: 111R 139E (95R - 101R - 108R) {maximum 135 seconds to end of battle, 2 rounds}
VETERAN general: 104R 1M 145K (96R - 101R - 104R) {maximum 135 seconds to end of battle, 2 rounds}

Garrison Position G6 (Camps 18-19, BLOCK, LOOTSPOT)

if you are feeling lazy / lucky you can leave the VETERAN general in the same position as G5 (position B). This adds 10 seconds to the walking time.

Position A: NORMAL general for Block
Position C: VETERAN general

A lootspot buyer can attack camp Loot 1 with 1R but they will have to wait while you complete positions G6 and move to G7.

Send generals straight after each other.

From A to Camp 18) 100 Nomad, 30 Lance rider, 50 Composite bow
BLOCKING NORMAL general: 1R 27S 151C (179) {minimum 175 seconds to end of battle, rounds 4 - 4 - 6}

From C to Camp 19) 70 Lance Rider, 80 Riding Bowman, 20 Riding Amazonian
VETERAN general: 186R 3S 61E (163R 175R 185R) {maximum 150 seconds to end of battle, 2 rounds}

If you didn't invite the lootspots to make their kills before now then they can do their kill while you setup for the last attack. Now they will need 4 Cav and it is a slightly longer walk than before. You can advertise the lootspots as ready to finish at this point.

A lootspot buyer can attack camp 80 Nomad, 40 Lance Rider, 80 Riding Bowmen with 4C.

Garrison Position G7 (Camps 20-21, BLOCK)

Camp 21 must be killed in 2 waves. This can be done in a number of ways depending on the combination of generals and troops you have. If you only have one NORMAL general left the setup is given further down.

Setup for 2 NORMAL generals

Position A: NORMAL general for 1R Block
Position B: VETERAN general OR ANY general depends on combination chosen B or D must be VETERAN general
Position C: NORMAL general for 1R Block
Position D: VETERAN general OR ANY general depends on combination chosen B or D must be VETERAN general
Position E: ANY general not actually required, I place a general here to enure I have the other generals in the correct place.

Send generals straight after each other OR in a laggy system or if you are not confident send 1R block and its matching attack and wait.

Check the separation shown in the picture and if it your generals are too far apart then retreat. If the general does get intercepted then retreat and try the block further down which only needs one normal general. In this case you will have to move the generals so that they are in a line with the blocking general at the front, there are plenty of alternative positions available.

From A to Camp 20a) 100 Cultist, 40 Shadowsneaker, 60 Firedancer

From B to Camp 21a) 80 Cultist, 50 Shadowsneaker, 70 Firedancer, 1 Dark High Priest
VETERAN general: 225R (225R 1G)

The following two generals can be sent immediately after the first two, or wait until you know general B has not been intercepted.

From C to Camp 20b) 100 Cultist, 40 Shadowsneaker, 60 Firedancer

From D to Camp 21b) 1 Dark High Priest
ANY general: 194XB (0 - 0 - 0)

Alternative combinations are:
Camp 21a) VETERAN general: 247B (247B 1G)
Camp 21b) VETERAN general: 56C 194XB (0 - 0 - 0)

Camp 21a) ANY general: 200B (200B 1G)
Camp 21b) VETERAN general: 46R 1E 118C 85XB (35R - 41R - 45R)

Camp 21a) ANY general: 185B (185B 1G)
Camp 21b) VETERAN general: 57R 1E 102C 90XB (48R - 53R - 57R)

Camp 21a) VETERAN general: 225R (225R 1G) (used in the example setup)
Camp 21b) ANY general: 194XB (0 - 0 - 0) (used in the example setup)

Setup for 1 NORMAL general

I DO NOT recommend this block. If you only have 3 normal generals I recommend waiting for one to recover and do the 2 NORMAL general block above.

Position A: NORMAL general for Block
Position B: ANY general for Block
Position E: VETERAN general

Please note the order the generals must be sent and the wait times between sending the generals.

Note that the General from Position E must be behind the General from Position B as shown in the picture. If it isn't then retreat all generals and try again.
The spacing for the 1R block is critical as there are only 20 seconds for the fight.
If you take too much time getting the second and third generals out the block will fail so check the picture for the spacing and if it is wrong retreat and try again.
Note on a laggy system this block may not work so watch it as in the worst case you will have lost 1R but you should be able to retreat the other generals in time.

From A to Camp 20a) 100 Cultist, 40 Shadowsneaker, 60 Firedancer

Wait 3 seconds

From B to Camp 21a) 80 Cultist, 50 Shadowsneaker, 70 Firedancer, 1 Dark High Priest
VETERAN general: 225R (225R 1G)

wait 8 seconds. Note that this general MUST come out behind general B - see picture.

From E to Camp 21b) 1 Dark High Priest
ANY general: 194XB (0 - 0 - 0)

You can also use one of the combinations given above for the attacks on Camp 21.

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